Argos Pdf

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Many infectious diseases have similar signs and symptoms, making it challenging for healthcare providers to identify the disease-causing agent. Clinical samples are often tested by multiple test methods to help reveal the particular microbe that is causing the infectious disease. The results of these test methods can help healthcare professionals determine the best treatment for patients. Today, High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology has the capability, as a single test, to accomplish what might have required several different tests in the past.

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NGS technology may allow the diagnosis of infections without prior knowledge of disease(s) cause. NGS technology can potentially reveal the presence of all microorganisms in a patient sample. Using infectious disease NGS (ID-NGS) technology, each microbial pathogen may be identified by its unique genomic fingerprint. The vision of ID-NGS technology is to further improve patient care by delivering diagnostics which can help identify the microbial makeup in patient samples quickly and accurately.

A new and flexible regulatory strategy is being developed to evaluate ID-NGS diagnostic devices to help promote innovation, combat global threats and advance public health. To support this mission, FDA, in collaboration with the Department of Defense (DoD), the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), established a public microbial reference database (FDA-ARGOS) that contains quality controlled and curated genomic sequence data to support research and regulatory decisions. This evolving database could be used as a tool for in-silico (computer simulation) performance validation. Use of FDA-ARGOS genomes for in-silico data analysis can potentially reduce the testing burden on industry for ID-NGS devices.

The purpose of this website is to provide information about FDA-ARGOS, and to support and foster the development of ID-NGS technology. The FDA will update this page with new information as appropriate.

Additional Resources

Manuscripts and Reports

FDA Presentations

Here you can find instructions on how to access various reports available to employees with Finance access. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

If you’d like a 30 minute, 1 on 1 training, please contact


1. Login to Argos

a. Go to
b. Click on the Evisions link (on the left hand side, about half way down)
c. Click Argos Web Viewer or Argos - either one is fine - you can determine your preference

Argos Web Viewer - if you are on a mac or mobile device, you will need to use the Argos Web Viewer
Argos - this involves a small desktop install

2. Click on the Finance folder and then the desired DataBlock

FIN Monthly Review Instructions

3. Click on FIN Monthly Review
4. If you are using the Argos client, click Run Dashboard

5. The Home page should now be displayed. This page is where selections can be made to filter down the information you would like to see in various reports.


✔ Guided Tour

If this is your first time using this DataBlock, check out the guided tour by clicking the red Help button in the upper right corner.

a. Select the period you would like to review in the Statement End Date section.
b. Select what indexes you want to review by checking one of the following in the Index to View section.

View all Indexes I have access to - best option if you want to see all your indexes at the same time
Select subset of Indexes – best option if you have multiple unit codes you are over or want to see only the indexes or unit codes you select

c. Let's view some data now - click the Online View button

6. The Online View page is now displayed - you should see all the indexes you selected from the Home page.

View Options - The Available Balance Summary is the default view and will show you balances for all non-endowment indexes. Endowment Summary is the other view option for endowment indexes only.
Sorting - Each of the columns can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the header title. The column width can be changed by dragging the line to the right of the title to the desired width. These changes will not be permanent.
Filtering - Filters can be turned on/off by changing the radio buttons and check boxes.
Exporting - You can export. On the desktop client version you can right click anywhere on the data and select “copy all” then paste into an excel sheet. On the web version there is a gear cog in the bottom right hand corner that you can click on and export all to CSV.

a. To view additional information on an index, select the index by clicking anywhere on that line. Once it is selected, the reports at the bottom will reflect the selected index. The default report is Transaction History.

• Only one index can be selected at a time in the Available Balance Summary.
• If there is no data the report will be blank.

b. As a way to show you have reviewed an index you can click on Mark Index as Reviewed, add any comments, then click Click here to mark as reviewed.

• Please work with your Business Services team for specific practices in your department.

7. If you need to run specific reports for an entire unit, department, college, or maybe you just want a PDF version, follow these instructions

Amos Pdf

a. From the Reports drop down at the top of the screen (above the Utah State University logo), select the desired report.
b. The Indexes that produce a report is from what is selected on the Home page. This could be one index or an entire department.
c. Click Run
d. Follow the prompts

Reports and Examples

Below are the different Online/PDF reports with a short description and example screenshots.

Available Balance Summary

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly Review

The Available Balance Summary report provides Year-to-date totals (for grants, Inception-to-date totals). Budget, Current Month Expended, Total Expended, Commitments and Available Balance are the columns available on this report. If the Index is a grant the Sponsor, Budget Start Date, Budget End Date and PI are also listed

Report Example

Current Funds

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRCFDNCurrent Funds by Department (Non-Grants)
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRCFCNCurrent Funds by College (Non-Grants)
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRCFDGCurrent Funds by Department (Grants)
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRCFCGCurrent Funds by College (Grants)

The Current Funds Report is grouped by fund type and provides Year-to-date totals, or for grants, Inception-to-date totals. Budget, Current Month Expended, Total Expended, Commitments and Available Balance, and % Budget by Index.

Report Example

Distribution Invoices

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly Review ZFRDISTR

The Distribution Invoices report shows charges from distribution like post office and delivery fees.

Report Example

Facilities Invoices

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRFACL

The Facilities Invoices report shows charges from facility work orders.

General Ledger Fund / Account Activity

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
General Ledger DataBlocks > FIN General Ledger Fund/Account ActivityFGRFAACFund/Account Activity Report

The Fund/Account Activity report provides general ledger beginning balances, debits, credits, and ending balances.

Report Example

General Ledger Transactions

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
General Ledger DataBlocks > FIN General Ledger TransactionsFGRGLTAGeneral Ledger Detail Transact

The General Ledger Transactions report is used to view the postings that occurred on a fund for the selected month for GL account codes.

Report Example

Index Summary

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewFGRBDSCBudget Status Report
FIN Monthly ReviewFRIGITDGrant Inception to Date Report

The Index Summary report provides Year-to-date totals, or for grants, Inception-to-date totals. Budget, Current Month Expended, Total Expended, Commitments and Available Balance by Index and account code are available on the report.

Argus Pdf

Report Example

IT Invoices

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRITINV

The IT Invoices report shows charges from central IT such as telephone and IT service tickets.

Report Example

Lab Gas Invoices

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRLABG

The Lab Gas invoices shows charges for lab gas.

Report Example

Labor Distribution

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly Review

The Labor Distribution report is used to view salaries and wages by employee by Index. The months corresponds to the month of service not the month the expense posted.

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Report Example

Motor Pool

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRMOTPSMotor Pool Vehicle Service and Repair Charges
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRMOTPRMotor Pool Vehicle Rental Charges and Record of Fuel

The Motor Pool report show charges from Motor Pool for Services and Reservations.

Report Example

Argos For Sale

Open Encumbrances

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly Review
Open Encumbrances
ZFROPNEOpen Encumbrances

The Open Encumbrances report shows all commitments or encumbrances for the period selected.

This report allows you to monitor your TA/TR’s that are still holding encumbrances.
• You can view F&A for grant indexes.
• You'll see any salary that has been allocated and therefore encumbering funds.
• It also allows you to see any open PO's that haven't been paid out.

Report Example

Argos Pdf

Over Budget Report

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly Review

The Over Budget report provides Year-to-date totals (for grants, Inception-to-date totals). Budget, Current Month Expended, Total Expended, Commitments and Available Balance are the columns available on this report.

Report Example

Personnel Services

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRPSRVPersonnel Services

The Personnel Services report is used to view labor totals by employee. This report is grouped by month, account code, and employee. This report will reconcile to the period. Different payrolls and redistribution entries are shown.

Report Example

Service Center Working Capital Analysis

Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
Service Center Tools > FIN Service Enterprise Working Capital AnalysisZFRWCAService Enterprise Working Capital Analysis

The Service Center Working Capital Analysis report is used to review working capital compliance and surplus/deficit balances for the past 5 years..

Report Example



Argos DatablockePrint ReportePrint Description
FIN Monthly ReviewZFRTRANSMonthly Transactions
FIN Monthly ReviewZGRODTAOrganization Detail Activity

The Transactions report is used to view the postings that occurred on an Index for the selected month.

• If the document has an attachment in either Xtender or ServiceNow, a button appears on the right that when clicked on will open the document
• The Create Journal Voucher and Business Services Inquiry buttons both open ServiceNow forms. Please coordinate with your Business Services staff to find out if you should use these buttons.

Report Example

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