Ms. Ma's Websitehome

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Resources for Mississippi’s sports men and women. Connect with Mississippi. Connect with the state through social media. Education and Learning. K-12, higher, technical and adult education information. Taxpayer Access Point. Information on personal, business, local and state taxes. Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson. Governor Reeves Extends Safer At Home To Protect Public Health, Reopens Barbershops and Salons.

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Welcome to Ms. Espiritu's webpage! This website is to help students succeed in my class and also to allow parents the opportunity to keep their children accountable and on top of homework and other various assignments.
Assignments and lesson plans will often be posted here as well as due dates and test dates. I will also post extra credit opportunities, so visit often!

Why History Is Important:
Harry Truman once said, 'The only think new in the world is the history you don't know.'
Ms. Ma
My goal in this class is to teach you the history you don't know. Studying history will help you find new heroes, set new goals, and become a better and more informed citizen. I personally love history and hope that I can help you at least enjoy learning about the past!
General Information
About Me: This tab gives me a way to show my students who I am as a teacher and why I chose this profession in a casual, informal setting. It also gives some background information on my life as well reveals some expectations and hints about my teaching style.
Calendar: This tab is a crucial part of this website. It contains important dates for tests, when homework is due, class field trips, and other pertinent after-school functions. It is updated several times a week so it is a good idea to get into the habit of checking it often.
Tech Resources: This section of my website will give my students extra resources that I personally think will be helpful as we go through this course. It contains technological resources that range from study materials to fun games, from practice quizzes to articles that I have found to be engaging, interesting and relevant. believe will be useful throughout this course. Most of these resources are not required to be used, however, I think they give students a chance to explore and further enhance their learning experience with digital resources and therefore will have a better understanding of the course material.
For Students

Class Materials: This tab's purpose is allow my students to have quick and easy access to materials used in class such as powerpoints, notes, and websites perused in class. Parents can also look at this page to keep up with their children's assignments and what they are learning in my classroom.
Assessment:This page is to allow students to see the overall results of a test or assessment. It does not show specific answers, but it can help them to realize what they did right, what they did wrong and how they can further improve.

Ms Ma S Website Home Delivery

For Parents

Newsletter:This is a newsletter to parents and faculty members. It provides weekly updates about what is going on in my classroom and ways that others can improve their classrooms. I believe that it is important for parents to be informed, so I will be updating it on a regular basis. It also contains my contact information if anyone were to have any questions.
School Website:This is a link to the New Castle High School's official website.

This is a comic I made to help introduce myself to my students and their parents!

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Ms Ma S Website Homepage

Ms Ma S Website Home Page

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Ms ma s website homepage
Last updated December 8th, 2015 eductabithaespiritu(at)gmail(dot)com

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